
I have a WinForms app that starts up in the tray only. On clicking it, it opens a form. This works fine.

    notifyIcon.Click += notifyIcon_Click;

//Fires on icon click, AND on contextmenuitem click
    private void notifyIcon_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                new ActiveIssues(_hubProxy).Show();

I have added a context menu, but when I click the ContextMenuItem, it first fires the NotifyIcon click event, THEN the ContextMenuItem click event, opening both forms.

    notifyIcon.ContextMenu = GetCrestContextMenu();

     private ContextMenu GetCrestContextMenu()
                var contextMenu = new ContextMenu();
                contextMenu.Name = "CResT Alerts";
                return contextMenu;

            private MenuItem GetTextOptionMenuItem()
                var textOptionMenuItem = new MenuItem { Text = _textOptedIn ? "Opt Out of Text Alerts" : "Opt In to Text Alerts" };
                textOptionMenuItem.Click += TextOptionMenuItem_Click;
                return textOptionMenuItem;

//Fires on menuitem click, after the NotifyIcon click event is called
            private void TextOptionMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                if (_textOptedIn) new TextOptOut().Show();
                else new TextOptIn().Show();

Any idea how to either NOT have it fire the notifiyicon click event or to tell that the click was on the context menu?

Don't remember the behavior, don't see any obvious screw-ups, but you can always look at the sender to see what got clicked.user1228
Yeah, I thought that as well, but the sender was the ContextMenuItem for that click, and the NotifyIcon for that click. Turns out it was the right-click to get the context menu that was causing my issue. Thanks for your help, though!Mike

1 Answers


So it turns out that the right-button click is not registered until after the context menu is clicked, so it is the right-button click that registered and raised the NotifyIcon click event. As such, I had to cast the EventArgs provided for the click as MouseEventArgs, and check the button.

private void notifyIcon_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if(((MouseEventArgs)e).Button == MouseButtons.Left) new ActiveIssues(_hubProxy).Show();