I am having some trouble using the bbmle:mle2
function when trying to do regression. To illustrate my problem, I have come up with a toy example.
We define the minus log-likelihood for the Poisson distribution (or any custom distribution):
LL <- function(beta, z, x){
-sum(stats::dpois(x, lambda = exp(z %*% beta), log = TRUE))
In the code above, beta
is parameter vector I would like to estimate, z
is a model/design matrix and x
is my variable of interest.
I then generate some random data to work with:
age <- round(exp(rnorm(5000, mean = 2.37, sd = 0.78) - 1))
claim <- rpois(5000, lambda = 0.07
I can easily use optim
for my regression. Here is the intercept
only model:
z1 <- model.matrix(claim ~ 1)
optim(par = 0, fn = LL, z = z1, x = claim)
Here is the intercept + age
z2 <- model.matrix(claim ~ age)
optim(par = c(0, 0), fn = LL, z = z2, x = claim)
The way a large number of different models can be assessed is quite easy, one just has to specify the model matrix. How can this be made to work with the mle2
function from the bbmle
I can do it, if beta
is one-dimensional:
mle2(minuslogl = function(beta){ LL(beta = beta, z = z1, x = claim) },
start = list(beta = 0))
But if beta
is a vector, then I run into problems:
minuslogl = function(beta){ LL(beta = beta, z = z2, x = claim) },
start = list(beta = c(0, 0)),
vecpar = T,
parnames = colnames(z2)
I cannot get the syntax right and I cannot find any examples in the documentation or vignettes to help me. The problem is surely that beta
is a vector now. The documentation suggests using the vecpar = T
argument is the way forward for "compatibility with optim
". Any tips would be appreciated.
Also, is there a way to pass the z
and x
arguments in my log-likelihood function in a more elegant way to mle2
like I have done so in optim