I have to generate an hyperlink in sharepoint based on sql table like this:
| ID | path |
| 1 | file://test/9932323.pdf |
| 2 | file://test/1653156423.pdf |
Actually there is this code to generate html link:
<a href="{$thisNode/@PATH}"><asp:Label runat="server" id="ff1{$ID}" text="{$thisNode/@PATH}" /></a>
I cannot modify SQL table (dinamically generated) but I have to substitute:
/test/ with /test.abc.local/
displayed text with filename only ("path" field substring after last '/')
How can I to that without creating new view or calculated fields?
I tried with:
<a href="{REPLACE($thisNode/@PATH),12,1,'.abc.local/')}"><asp:L ...
but with no success. (I'm really newbie in Sharepoint)