
Configuration validation exception: AWS Elastic Beanstalk could not communicate with Amazon EC2 to determine whether to create a custom security group for Elastic Load Balancing.

When creating an AWS Elastic Beanstalk application, I get this error while trying to proceed with "review and launch". I am new to this. Please help.

It seems like instance is not accessible. Check the security group rules.Ashan
Where can I find that?Sanjay
In ec2 section in web console check tge security groups and its configAshan
I don't remember visiting anything related to EC2.. uhSanjay
When you provision resources Elastic Beanstalk it provisions different services which you can find through tags linked with the environment. These you can also see from web consoleAshan

2 Answers


Click on Services>> Under Compute>> Select EC2>> if it show this message "Your service sign-up is almost complete!", check back after some few hours, your app should be ready.


I got this error when trying to set up the test application shortly after signing up for the AWS free tier.

I checked into the EC2 dash board and my account hadn't been fully set up yet. It said it could take up to 24 hours. I waited about 2 hours and everything worked as expected.