I have recorded script and run for 50 users. I have added listeners like view results in table, summary report and view results tree.
After completion of 50 users, In View results in Table'->Thread name is shown like below screenshot:
According to my knowledge thread name should be
Thread group 1-1
,Thread group 1-2
,thread group 1-3
...etc but here the order is shown different.(ie.,Thread group 1-1
,Thread group 1-6
,thread group 1-45
...etc).Please refer screenshot threadname.jpeg.
In summary report, how standard deviation calculated? In Wikipedia i have seen the example, but it is general mathematical calculation.
I want real time example in summary report to calculate standard deviation
In summary report, sent and received bytes, average bytes means? Is there any calculation for that?
I am new to Jmeter.