
This is the YAML header of an RMarkdown IEEE rticle I'm writing in RStudio.

title: Analysis of the impact of ...
  - name: First Lást
    affiliation: xx
    department: yy
    location: zz
    email: aa
abstract: |
  This study aims to investigate ...

bibliography: mybibfile.bib
output: rticles::ieee_article
csl: ieee.csl

In the author section, the á will not get printed when converted to PDF with knitr

I've tried with different combinations such as \u{á}, $\á$ and even \u0225 (the unicode for that character) without any luck.

How does one include special characters in that section so they are properly displayed when converted to PDF?


1 Answers


I think you nearly had it. Try using the $\'{a}$ LaTeX command. It worked in RStudio for me. You can find some documentation for LaTex special characters here.