
I'm am trying to get the ember-formly addon working like the readme.md file for that addon shows. So, I:

  1. Ran ember install ember-formly
  2. Dumped the example form data Model() and fields into my application/controller.js file
  3. Put the basic template data into a blank templates/application.hbs file:

    {{ember-formly fields=fields model=model}}

And that gives me this error when I load it up in my browser:

Assertion Failed: Could not find component named "custom-fields/html-input" (no component or template with that name was found)

Being rather new to Ember.js I'm sure I'm missing something simple... Any ideas? Thanks!

Please share application.hbs code.Daniel Kmak
thanks, application.hbs code addedhacklan07
Have you checked out the other options? That addon seems to be pre-release. emberobserver.com/?query=forms -- after looking at the ember-formly page, I'm also confused at its example directions, "Route/Component/Controller:" - maybe you can ask the author and then help clarify the docs.sheriffderek

1 Answers


There is no custom-fields/html-input instead use ember-formly-fields/html-input. This addon is providing only one component ember-formly-fields/html-input and for other components you need to have implemented it.(ie., for date-picker you need to use any other addon which provides date-picker component and you can use that here)