
In Azure I have created a new VM and using azure automation dsc I have uploaded my custom module. In my custom module I am using New-AzureStorageContext. But when VM is connected to DSC Node I get the below error.

The term 'New-AzureStorageContext' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.

When I go to C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules folder in the new vm I do see my custom module imported but I do not see Azuer.Storage. I do see Azure.Storage as one of the default module in the Azure Automation Account. What am I missing?

Configuration Deploy
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName cWebPackageDeploy
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName Azure.Storage

    node "localhost"
         cWebPackageDeploy jswebpackage  
            Name = "website.zip"
            StorageAccount = "testdeploy"
            StorageKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
            Ensure = "Present"
            PackageVersion = "1.0"
            DeployPath = "C:\Temp\Testdeploy"

Do you try install Azure PowerShell on your DSC node VM? You could download the latest msi installer from the link. I suggest you could install it firstly and try again.Shui shengbao
I am using Azure Automation DSC. I had uploaded my custom resource in the module section in Azure Automation. In Modules section I do see Azure.Storage. Import-DscResource -ModuleName cWebPackageDeploy takes the uploaded package in the modules section and puts it in the azure vm. But when I try Import-Module -Name Azure.Storage or Import-DscResource It is not added it to the azure vm. If I need to install the whole Azure Powershell MSI. Should I add it to my dsc script as another resource?kumar
Based on my experience, you could use dsc script to deploy Azure PowerShell module firstly.Shui shengbao
I just came across another alternative to installing whole azure powershell. this seems to work for me powershellgallery.com/packages/PowerShellModule/0.3. This way i can install just the module I need. Would have preferred if the dsc script would just pickup the modules in Azure Automation automaticallykumar
Hi, kumar. Do you mean you import the module to Azure automation and solve your issue?Shui shengbao

1 Answers


Went to the below link and added this dsc resource to my azure automation. Then I updated PSModuleResource Azure.Storage to my dsc script.


Configuration Deploy
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName cWebPackageDeploy
    Import-Dscresource -ModuleName PowerShellModule  

    node "localhost"
         cWebPackageDeploy jswebpackage  
            Name = "website.zip"
            StorageAccount = "testdeploy"
            StorageKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
            Ensure = "Present"
            PackageVersion = "1.0"
            DeployPath = "C:\Temp\Testdeploy"
            DependsOn = "[PSModuleResource]Azure.Storage"

          PSModuleResource Azure.Storage
            Ensure = 'present'
            Module_Name = 'Azure.Storage'

