I want to calculate the total timeOnSite for all visitors to a website (and divide it by 3600 because it's stored as seconds in the raw data), and then I want to break it down on content_group and a custom variable that is called content_level.
Problem arises because content_group and content_level are both nested in arrays, and timeOnSite is a totals.-stored variable that gets inflated if when used in a query that include and unnesting. (content_group is a normal hits.-nested variable, while content_level is nested in customDimensions that is nested in hits (a second level nested variable) (Will and Thomas C explain well why this problem emerges in this question Google Analytics Metrics are inflated when extracting hit level data using BigQuery , but I was unable to apply their advice to the totals.timeOnSite metric)
SUM(sessions) AS sessions,
SUM(sessions2) AS sessions2,
SUM(time_on_site) AS time_on_site
date AS date,
hits.contentGroup.contentGroup1 AS content_group,
(SELECT MAX(IF(index=51, value, NULL)) FROM UNNEST(hits.customDimensions)) AS content_level,
SUM(totals.visits) AS sessions,
COUNT(DISTINCT CONCAT(cast(visitId AS STRING), fullVisitorId)) AS sessions2,
SUM(totals.timeOnSite)/3600 AS time_on_site
FROM `projectname.123456789.ga_sessions_20170101`,
unnest(hits) AS hits
iso_date, content_group, content_level
iso_date, content_group, content_level
GROUP BY iso_date, content_group, content_level
ORDER BY iso_date, content_group, content_level
(I use a subquery because I'm planning on pulling data from several tables using UNION_ALL, but I omitted that syntax because I deemed it not relevant for the question.)
*Is it possible to make "local unnestings" for both hits. and hits.customDimensions so that it would be possible to use totals.timeOnSite in my query without it being inflated?
*Is it possible to make a workaround for time on site like I've made with sessions and sessions2?
*Is there a third, hidden solution to this problem?