I have a data set and want to essentially fit a linear model with a rolling time window, find the fitted values and calculate the errors in the estimate. I have functions which calculate the error and I have the start of the algorithm, but I keep getting null time series with the algorithm below. Can anybody spot a fix for it?
rollerOLS <- function(data, measure, predict, predictor){
error <- c()
m <- dim(data)[1]
for(i in 1:(floor(m/142)-10)){
data.new <- as.data.frame(data[c((1+(142*(i-1))):((i+9)*142)),])
data.pred <- as.data.frame(data[c((1+(142*(i+9))):((i+10)*142)-1),])
n <- dim(data.new)[1]
k <- dim(data.pred)[1]
x <- data.new[-1,predictor]
y <- data.new[-n, predict]
mod <- lm(y ~ x)
ts <- predict.lm(mod, newdata = data.frame(data.pred[, predictor]), interval="none")
actual <- data.pred[-k,predict]
error[i] <- measure(ts, actual)
Note that 142 is specific to my data set.