I have the following actor which sends a request to a WebService:
class VigiaActor extends akka.actor.Actor {
val log = Logging(context.system, this)
context.setReceiveTimeout(5 seconds)
import VigiaActor._
def receive = {
case ObraExists(numero: String, unidadeGestora: String) =>
WS.url(baseURL + s"""/obras/exists/$unidadeGestora/$numero""").withHeaders("Authorization" -> newToken).get.pipeTo(sender)
case ReceiveTimeout =>
val e = TimeOutException("VIGIA: Receive timed out")
throw e
override val supervisorStrategy =
OneForOneStrategy(maxNrOfRetries = 2, withinTimeRange = 1 minute) {
case _: ArithmeticException => Resume
case _: NullPointerException => Restart
case _: IllegalArgumentException => Stop
case _: TimeOutException => Resume
case _: Exception => Restart
The call to this actor is part of a validation method that should throw an exception in case of a timeout while trying communicate to the WS:
implicit val timeout = Timeout(5 seconds)
lazy val vigiaActor : ActorRef = Akka.system.actorOf(Props[VigiaActor])
(vigiaActor ? VigiaActor.ObraExists(empenho.obra.get, empenho.unidadeGestora)).map {
case r : WSResponse =>
val exists = r.body.toBoolean
if (!exists && empenho.tipoMeta.get.equals(4)) {
erros.adicionarErro(controle.codigoArquivo, row, line, s"Nº de Obra não informado ou inválido para o Tipo de Meta 4 - Obras" , TipoErroImportacaoEnum.WARNING)
case _ => erros.adicionarErro(controle.codigoArquivo, row, line, s"Nº de Obra não informado ou inválido para o Tipo de Meta 4 - Obras" , TipoErroImportacaoEnum.WARNING)
I am new to this Actor thing, and I am trying to solve some blocking situations on the code.
The problem is I have no Idea of how to "catch" the TimeOutException on the actors call.
switched validation method to:
protected def validateRow(row: Int, line: String, empenho: Empenho, calendarDataEnvioArquivo: Calendar)(implicit s: Session, controle: ControleArquivo, erros:ImportacaoException): Unit = {
implicit val timeout = Timeout(5 seconds)
lazy val vigiaActor : ActorRef = Akka.system.actorOf(Props[VigiaActor])
(vigiaActor ? VigiaActor.ObraExists(empenho.obra.get, empenho.unidadeGestora)).map {
case r: WSResponse => {...}
and the actor ReceiveTimout part to:
case ReceiveTimeout =>
val e = TimeOutException("VIGIA: Receive timed out")
sender ! e
I am getting the following log message as I was before:
[INFO] [07/20/2017 10:28:05.738] [application-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-5] [akka://application/deadLetters] Message [model.exception.TimeOutException] from Actor[akka://application/user/$c#1834419855] to Actor[akka://application/deadLetters] was not delivered. [1] dead letters encountered. This logging can be turned off or adjusted with configuration settings 'akka.log-dead-letters' and 'akka.log-dead-letters-during-shutdown'.