
when I do wget as below, files are downloaded with filename as sample.txt?st=2017-07-19T06%3A00%3A00Z"

wget "https://sample.blob.core.windows.net/test/sample.txt?st=2017-07-19T06%3A00%3A00Z"

I don't want to use like below as It doesn't suits for my scenario.

wget -O $filename -q "https://sample.blob.core.windows.net/test/sample.txt?st=2017-07-19T06%3A00%3A00Z"

But I want to save filename as sample.txt when downloading using wget command. How to achieve this?

The stuff on the end of the file is called the query, and this answer on Superuser may be helpful.Daniel Lyons
@anubhava It doesn't suits me as I downloading more number of files. I don't want to provide every filename as static. Refer my question.Galet
You are any providing URL to be downloaded and filename can be derived from that URL easily.anubhava

1 Answers


If my understanding is right, following script should work.

##set your blob url
filename="${url%%[?]*}"; filename="${filename##*/}"

wget -O $filename -q $url

Note: If you use this script, your file name could not contain ?.