I have a problem creating durable consumers and producers with ActiveMQ-CPP and stomp protocol. I am trying to connect to HornetQ using stomp, and capable of sending and receiving messages in non-durable state. I tried changing the producer to durable by setting its delivery mode to persistent along with CMSDeliveryMode of messages as well, and creating a DurableConsumer instead of a normal consumer. But when I looked at JBoss JMX-Console, both of them were considered non-durable (messages are categorized as non-durable, and consumers are subscribed as non-durable as well).
I even tried the integration-test StompDurableTest and only received 10 out of 20 messages (the ones that were sent when the consumer is active). So the test failed.
Since the integration-test didn't work, my guess it has to do with ActiveMQ-cpp or Stomp configurations rather than the code. Am I missing anything to enable durability?
Thanks in Advance,