Using C++ Win32 API, I've created a window ( CreateWindow() ) instead of a dialogue box. Are there any commands similar to "GetDlgItemInt" or "SetDlgItemInt" that is used for getting and setting data in an edit window for Win 32 API instead? Otherwise I'll have to make a dialogue box or do a heap of code for converting INTs to a string then back again.
The idea is that the user specifies the window width and height by typing in the two edit dialogue boxes within the window I have created. There are nice easy tutorials that basically tell me how to do that through a dialogue box, but I would like to know if there are similar functions that I can use that are not dependent on a dialogue box?
I'm hoping to have something like this...
xVal = 1280; yVal = 720; hwndResoX = CreateWindow("edit",xVal, WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|WS_BORDER|ES_NUMBER,20,20,40,20, _hwnd, NULL, NULL, NULL); hwndResoY = CreateWindow("edit",yVal, WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|WS_BORDER|ES_NUMBER,80,20,40,20, _hwnd, NULL, NULL, NULL);
But as you can imagine, I can not use the xVal or yVal in the CreateWindow() because I get a compile error stating I can not convert from INT to CHAR*