
In an Activiti process I have a simple user task with a boundary timer event defined with a time duration (e.g. 1h). Using the Activiti API, how can I restart/reset the timer? (The timer should trigger after the time duration from the time on it was restarted.)

Here is my sample process definition: enter image description here

By resetting the timer, the time-out handling should be delayed.

Activiti version 6Steffen Harbich

1 Answers


while I believe you can retrieve the boundary timer event execution and update the timer value using code (I think ive done this int he past but cant find an example right now), I actually prefer the pattern described in this post as it is clear and certainly easy to implement.

Activiti / Camunda change boundary timer with variable

If this doesnt satisfy your need, let me know and I will try to dig up the execution update code.

Cheers, Greg