
I would like to ask you for clarification when integrating IdentityServer 4 with ASP.NET Identity.

I am working with two database contexts. Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.EntityFrameworkCore.IdentityDbContext<IdentityUser> and IdentityServer4.EntityFramework.DbContexts.ConfigurationDbContext.

Identity Server 4 is using AspNetIdentity .AddAspNetIdentity<IdentityUser>().

So IdentityUser has assigned IdentityUserClaims and it's properly reflected in JWT token after successfull authentication.

Question now is, what is with the IdentityResource and IdentityClaim:UserClaim from IdentityServer4 ConfigurationDbContext? As claims are now used from aspnet identities, this entity is not used at all. Am I right?

Another question is how ApiScopeClaims are now in game? They are still used by the Identity Server because of ApiScope for which token is issued for. Right? But now it's up to me to keep in sync ApiScopeClaim and IdentityUserClaim which are from different db contexts.

Last Question is regarding IdentityRoles and IdentityRoleClaims which are not the same as IdentityUserClaims. What's the idea behind? In my idea, role is grouping of claims for specific business role for easier management, therefore role should not define new claims but reference set of IdentityUserClaims. Additionaly, I created role, assigned to user, corresponding claim types assigned to scope and result is that - claims which are assigned to role and user has this role are not included in JWT. Why?

Thank you for your answers.


1 Answers


IdentityResource is a category or grouping of claims. Each IdentityResource can have many IdentityClaims which are references to actual the claims held in AspNetUserClaims. The built in IdentityResources are openid and profile.

ApiScopeClaims are part of the hierarchy of Api Resources (as opposed to the identity resources mentioned above.)

ApiResource --has many--> ApiScopes --has many--> ApiScopeClaims.

Adding a claim type to an ApiScopeClaim will attach an AspNetUserClaim (if one exists) to the access_token when when the User makes a request to that ApiScope.

An IdentityRoleClaim (i.e. AspNetRoleClaim) is just a bit a information you can tack on regarding a particular role; it does not related to a User, but just to the role itself.

Sound like you want to create an IdentityResource for your logical grouping of claims, and then define those claim types in IdentityClaims. But you would need a way to first find out the user's role in order to request the appropriate IdentityResource in scope parameter. Or implement one of the IdentityServer interfaces like IProfileService to do this kind of work on the IdentityServer instance.