It's my first webpage and everything was ok until I had to set up server and install PHP to star coding the back end part.
I installed MySQL 1.4, Visual Studio 2015, VC14, Apache 2.4 and PHP 7.1.
MySQL is running as well as Apache. I was able to open localhost:8080 with the message "It works" but when I try localhost:8080/test.php it opens a 404 page not found.
The error log in Apache folder says:
[php7:error] [pid 3276:tid 956] [client ::1:65240] script 'C:/Apache24/htdocs/test.php' not found or unable to stat
The test.php file is on Apache24/htdocs.
I've already tried so many options, installed and deinstalled versions of PHP, Visual Studio, and nothing. Thank you for helping me.
Here is the httpd file which I edited:
I added those 4 line at the beginning:
AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .html LoadModule php7_module "c:/php7/php7apache2_4.dll" PHPIniDir "c:/php7"
Definde the SeverRoot:
Define SRVROOT "c:/Apache24" ServerRoot "c:/Apache24"Changed the Listen port
Listen 8080List item
Changed the ServerName localhost: ServerName localhost:8080
DocumentRoot "c:/Apache24/htdocs" "c:/Apache24/htdocs">
needs to be domain (without port). – Tajgeer