dateframe 1: crimedf
|lat |lng |desc |zip |title |timeStamp |twp |addr |e |
|40.2978759|-75.5812935|REINDEER CT & DEAD END; NEW HANOVER; Station 332; 2015-12-10 @ 17:10:52; |19525|EMS: BACK PAINS/INJURY |2015-12-10 17:40:00.0|NEW HANOVER |REINDEER CT & DEAD END |1 |
|40.2580614|-75.2646799|BRIAR PATH & WHITEMARSH LN; HATFIELD TOWNSHIP; Station 345; 2015-12-10 @ 17:29:21;|19446|EMS: DIABETIC EMERGENCY|2015-12-10 17:40:00.0|HATFIELD TOWNSHIP|BRIAR PATH & WHITEMARSH LN|1 |
|40.1211818|-75.3519752|HAWS AVE; NORRISTOWN; 2015-12-10 @ 14:39:21-Station:STA27; |19401|Fire: GAS-ODOR/LEAK |2015-12-10 17:40:00.0|NORRISTOWN |HAWS AVE |1 |
|40.116153 |-75.343513 |AIRY ST & SWEDE ST; NORRISTOWN; Station 308A; 2015-12-10 @ 16:47:36; |19401|EMS: CARDIAC EMERGENCY |2015-12-10 17:40:01.0|NORRISTOWN |AIRY ST & SWEDE ST |1 |
|40.251492 |-75.6033497|CHERRYWOOD CT & DEAD END; LOWER POTTSGROVE; Station 329; 2015-12-10 @ 16:56:52; |null |EMS: DIZZINESS |2015-12-10 17:40:01.0|LOWER POTTSGROVE |CHERRYWOOD CT & DEAD END |1 |
only showing top 5 rows
dataframe 2: zipcode
|zip| city|state| latitude| longitude|timezone|dst|
|210|Portsmouth| NH|43.005895|-71.013202| -5| 1|
|211|Portsmouth| NH|43.005895|-71.013202| -5| 1|
|212|Portsmouth| NH|43.005895|-71.013202| -5| 1|
|213|Portsmouth| NH|43.005895|-71.013202| -5| 1|
|214|Portsmouth| NH|43.005895|-71.013202| -5| 1|
My requirement is :
Create a new column "problem" by extracting substring before ":" from column "title of table"crimedf"
join the 2 tables and group the columns "state" and "problem" and generate count.
I get the desired output when i generate a new table from the first table and joining this with the second table.
scala> val newcrimedf = sqlContext.sql("select substring_index(title,':',1) as problem, zip from crimedf")
newcrimedf: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [problem: string, zip: int]
|problem| zip|
| EMS|19525|
| EMS|19446|
sqlContext.sql("select z.state, n.problem, count(*) as count
from newcrimedf n
JOIN zipcode z
ON =
GROUP BY z.state,n.problem
ORDER BY count DESC").show
| PA| EMS|44326|
| PA|Traffic|29297|
| PA| Fire|13012|
| AL|Traffic| 1|
| TX| EMS| 1|
How to generate the same output from the original first table("crimedf") without creating a second table "newcrimedf"?
How to add a new column while joining? Pls help.
I tried doing it, but its wrong. Below is what I had tried:
sqlContext.sql("select z.state, c.problem, count(*) as count from
(select zip, substring(title,':',1) problem from crimedf) c
JOIN zipcode z ON =
GROUP BY z.state,c.problem ORDER BY count desc").show
| PA| null|86635|
| TX| null| 1|
| AL| null| 1|
you usedsubstring
. :) see my answer below – Ramesh Maharjan