this may sound dumb, but I am still fairly new, is there clear way to spot if I have tabs or spaces in the wrong place with PyCharm? Or even to display all tabs and spaces visually?
I just spent ages looking for problem with 'invalid syntax' error at Def line of function, I had thought it might still be some wrong indent, which I did have before, so checked this painstakingly and found nothing. In the end, was missing ) from end of function before this. I realised the coloured lines on right hand side show errors and got this one from there.
Also I understand you can mix tabs and 4 space character indents in PyCharm with no problem?
But if you use tab one line and 4 spaces the next with, for example, simple text editor, Python will say 'no I'm not going to run this because I'm a strict pedant and this is just too naughty'? Any other common sense best practice habits in this area?