I am trying to use purrr
to access the level formatted_address
from this list:
tt <- lapply(c('Austin, Texas', 'Houston, Texas'),
function(x) ggmap::geocode(x, output='all', nameType = 'long', sensor = F))
The final output should be a vector of the elements from $ formatted_address : chr "Austin, TX, USA"
, namely c('Austin, TX, USA', 'Houston, TX, USA')
To start off, I was trying to grab the record for the first of the two elements of the list using standard indexing, and then converting it to purrr
following this tutorial.
For instance, I thought
> tt[[1]]$results[[1]]$formatted_address
[1] "Austin, TX, USA"
Would be equivalent to the code below, but it isn't:
> map(tt[[1]]$results[[1]], 'formatted_address')
Error in map.poly(database, regions, exact, xlim, ylim, boundary, interior, :
no recognized region names
Why aren't these two lines of code equivalent? And how could I use map
or map_chr
to create a vector of records from formatted_address