I have two dataframes, lets say df1 and df2 in Spark Scala
df1 has two fields, 'ID' and 'Text' where 'Text' has some description (Multiple words). I have already removed all special characters and numeric characters from field 'Text' leaving only alphabets and spaces.
df1 Sample
|ID ||Text |
| 1 ||helo how are you |
| 2 ||hai haiden |
| 3 ||hw are u uma |
df2 contains a list of words and corresponding replacement words
df2 Sample
|Word ||Replace |
| helo ||hello |
| hai ||hi |
| hw ||how |
| u ||you |
I would need to find all occurrence of words in df2("Word") from df1("Text") and replace it with df2("Replace")
With the sample dataframes above, I would expect a resulting dataframe, DF3 as given below
df3 Sample
|ID ||Text |
| 1 ||hello how are you |
| 2 ||hi haiden |
| 3 ||how are you uma |
Your help is greatly appreciated in doing the same in Spark using Scala.
? – mtoto