I am building a modeling program and I'd like to do transformations on objects in their own space and then assign that single object to a group to rotate around another axis which the group rotates around. However, I'd also like to be able to do transformations in the object's own space when it's combined.
Manipulating the individual object, I pick the object's center.
glm::mat4 transform;
transform = glm::translate(transform, - obj.meshCenter);
glm::mat4 transform1;
transform1 = glm::translate(transform1, obj.meshCenter);
obj.rotation = transform1*obj.thisRot*transform;
I then send this off to the shader,
glUniformMatrix4fv(modelLoc, 1, GL_FALSE, glm::value_ptr(obj.translation*obj.rotation*objscale);
I would now like to rotate this object around another axis, say an axis of (5,0,0) of 45 degrees.
I now have:
glm::mat4 groupR;
groupR = glm::rotate(groupR,glm::degrees(45.0f),glm::vec3(5,0,0));
obj.groupRotation = groupR;
glUniformMatrix4fv(modelLoc, 1, GL_FALSE,
I've now moved the object from it's local space to the Group space. I'm having a bit of difficulty now operating tranformations in the object's own space when combined with the Group's rotation. I've had limited success when I set the groupR axis to (0,1,0) like so:
///Translating object in its own space///
glm::mat4 R = obj.groupRotation;
obj.translation = glm::inverse(R) * obj.translate * R;
the problem here is that this will only translate the object correctly in it's own space if the axis of rotation of R (Group's rotation) is equal to (0,1,0):
///Rotating object in its own space///
glm::mat4 R = obj.groupRotation;
obj.rotation = glm::inverse(R) * obj.rot * R;
Again, the rotations are incorrect. I'm thinking that maybe I have to undo the groupR's axis translation? and then re-apply it somewhere?
directly and recalculate the combined transform? This would be much less error-prone. Btw, I wouldn't count onglm::value_ptr()
to return a valid address for a temporary object that is deleted right after the call toglm::value_ptr()
. – Nico Schertler