
I am using django-import-export in an app of my web project.

The class.py file is as:

class Article(models.Model):
    siret = models.CharField(max_length=16)
    newspaper = models.CharField(max_length=200)
    writer = models.CharField(max_length=1000)
    TOPIC_TYPE = (
            ('Sport', 'Sport'),
            ('Food', 'Food'),
            ('Business', 'Business'),
            ('Music', 'Music'),
            ('Art', 'Art'),)
    topics = MultiSelectField(choices = TOPIC_TYPE)

Note that topics is a MultiSelectField.
In admin.py I simply followed the django-import-export tutorial, hence:

class ArticleResource(resources.ModelResource):
    class Meta:
        model = Article
        exclude = ('is_true', )

class ArticleAdmin(ImportExportModelAdmin):
    resource_class = ArticleResource

admin.site.register(Article, ArticleAdmin)

The issue while importing data is as you guess with the "topics" variable.
I first exported an xlsx file to see the way this variable is exported. This is literally how:

siret             ...      topics
0000068591590     ...      Music, Art
0000068591595     ...      Business, Beauté
0000068591600     ...      Art

The issue, is with data importing. I simply tried to import back the above exported file, by changing "siret" numbers.
Once imported, in the admin interface, I was surprised, Django laughed at me by selecting only the first topic for each article in the available CheckBoxes (only Music for 0000068591590, only Business for 0000068591595).

enter image description here

Hence I tried to import through:
Music, Art (as exporting way)
[Music, Art]

However It's not working.


1 Answers


When importing an excel file, be careful about spaces... Django exports like

siret             ...      topics
0000068591590     ...      Music, Art
0000068591595     ...      Business, Beauté
0000068591600     ...      Art

Note the spaces in the topics variable.
You just have to import multi select choices like:

siret             ...      topics
0000068591590     ...      Music,Art
0000068591595     ...      Business,Beauté
0000068591600     ...      Art