The SKAction
on my SKShapeNode
isn't working, the code isn't getting executed, and the node isn't moving, even though the console is logging "Snake is moving". Is is because the node is a property of the SKScene and the actions are part of lower scope functions?
class LevelScene: SKScene, SnakeShower {
var snake: Snake {
let theSnake = Snake(inWorld: self.size)
return theSnake
override func didMove(to view: SKView) {
self.backgroundColor = .green
snake.delegate = self
var myNode: SKShapeNode {
let node = SKShapeNode(rectOf: snake.componentSize)
node.position = snake.head
node.fillColor = .red
return node
func presentSnake() { // function called by the snake in the delegate (self)
func startMoving() {
print("snake is moving")[
SKAction.move(by: self.snake.direction.getVector(), duration: 0.2),{
if self.myNode.position.y > (self.size.height / 2 - self.snake.componentSize.height / 2) {
It used to work when they property was declared in the same function as the action
is a computed property.self.addChild(myNode)
adds a node, but there is nomyNode
computes a new node but doesn't add it to the scene before trying to run the action on it. but it's a different node anyway. – Steve Ives