
I need to implement OpenID Connect with an existing Spring MVC 3.x.x. project. I have been searching for last 3 days but no luck. There are plenty of examples on internet to implement OpenID Connect with Spring BOOT. But I could not found the steps to do it with Spring security 3.x.x project.

Does anyone know any good reference to achieve the same?? I do not want to start from scratch.


Update: I only need to implement Resource server and client part. I have already done a successful POC with WSO2 as IDP and a sample app as Client.

Hi, did you use MITRid ? I want to use it only for login from SalesForce and want to keep spring security stuff as it is, my app has spring security 3.1.2 and unfortunately I am not in a position to upgrade at this piont.Toseef Zafar
Hi, I managed to made it work by adding dependencies of spring-oauth-2 and overwriting some configuration. MITREid is certainly helpfull, but after a POC we decided to go with above approach as it required less changes in existing app. Unfortunately, I do not have that POC code with me now to share with you.Agam
no worries, thanks for help!Toseef Zafar

1 Answers


You may use MITREid Connect 1.2.x, that is based on Spring Security 3.2.9.

Note that the latest MITREid Connect branch is not 1.2.x but higher (1.3.x at the time of this post), and the 1.3.x is based on Spring Security 4.2.2.

So you need to specify the 1.2.x subtree to get the "old" 1.2.x branch on GitHub: https://github.com/mitreid-connect/OpenID-Connect-Java-Spring-Server/tree/1.2.x