The functionality I want to achieve is to be able to have an url like that :
That will pre-fill my login form.
The login form already pre-filled when these parameters when they are directly set this way :
This url is sent in an email, and we can argue that I should simply put the full url in the email (with the /en/login). But the thing is that the app is multilang AOT and I would prefer the email link to be lang independent.
The app is organized with two router :
- the default app router who handle the login page and all the other unsecured components and services
- the main router who route all the secured components and provide the services. It has a canActivate AuthGuard who redirect to the login page when not authenticated.
I've added the queryParamsHandling: 'preserve' option when calling navigate in the AuthGuard.
this.router.navigate(['/login'], {queryParamsHandling: 'preserve'});
Here are the console logs I've got from enabling tracing :
Router Event: NavigationStartvendor.bundle.js:16782
NavigationStart(id: 1, url: '/?param=123') vendor.bundle.js:16773:35
Router Event: RoutesRecognizedvendor.bundle.js:16782
RoutesRecognized(id: 1, url: '/?param=123', urlAfterRedirects:'/dashboard', state: Route(url:'', path:'') { Route(url:'', path:'') { Route(url:'dashboard', path:'dashboard') } } ) vendor.bundle.js:16773:35
[AuthGuard] route Object { url: Array[0], params: Object, queryParams: Object, fragment: null, data: Object, outlet: "primary", component: MainComponent(), _routeConfig: Object, _urlSegment: Object, _lastPathIndex: -1, 2 de plus… } main.bundle.js:2629:9
[AuthGuard] state Object { _root: Object, url: "/dashboard" } main.bundle.js:2630:9
Router Event: NavigationCancelvendor.bundle.js:16782
NavigationCancel(id: 1, url: '/?param=123') vendor.bundle.js:16773:35
Router Event: NavigationStartvendor.bundle.js:16782
NavigationStart(id: 2, url: '/login') vendor.bundle.js:16773:35
Router Event: RoutesRecognizedvendor.bundle.js:16782
RoutesRecognized(id: 2, url: '/login', urlAfterRedirects: '/login', state: Route(url:'', path:'') { Route(url:'login', path:'login') } ) vendor.bundle.js:16773:35
Router Event: NavigationEndvendor.bundle.js:16782
NavigationEnd(id: 2, url: '/login', urlAfterRedirects: '/login') vendor.bundle.js:16773:35
I've also printed the inputs of the AuthGuard canActivate(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot).
We can see that the param is present right before the AuthGuard canActivate, but I not able to find it in the ActivatedRouteSnapshot nor the RouterStateSnapshot.
I hope I was clear enough.
Please don't hesitate to ask for more informations.