
The error is only occurring when personal access tokens are being used, If I use a Password client to get a token then it goes through fine.

This is the Route that I'm using to test that it is going through

Route::get('/test', function() {
    return "hello";

This is the function that I am using to get the access token

public function testToken() {
    $user = User::where("id", 12)->first();

    $token = $user->createToken("TokenName")->accessToken;

    return $token;

This is the access token that I'm trying to use (The one gotten from testToken())


I'm passing the token through in the header (NOTE I'm testing using postman)

Authorization:Bearer **TOKEN**

Doing some Googling I found that people have fixed it by setting the expiration date of the token, Though this did not work in my case.

I also found people suggesting to change Passport.php in the providers, but I do not have this file to edit... I don't know if it could be because I installed passport wrong or something like that. I did follow the documentation for the install


1 Answers


I believe that you will read the document carefully and the problem will be solved. https://laravel.com/docs/5.4/passport#installation https://laravel.com/docs/5.4/passport#personal-access-tokens

This route creates new personal access tokens. It requires two pieces of data: the token's name and the scopes that should be assigned to the token:

const data = {
    name: 'Token Name',
    scopes: []

axios.post('/oauth/personal-access-tokens', data)
    .then(response => {
    .catch (response => {
        // List errors on response...