I am very new to liferay 7 ,actually we are migrating liferay 6.2 to liferay-7 ,in the 6.2 we are using ext to override the action class but in the liferay-7 I am getting some cofusion,could you please help me out.
The main theme of my ext is : whenever a new role getting created in an organization from the control panel, we need to store the role information and organization information in our custom table for that we have overriden EditRoleAction.java in LR6.2 so same thing we are trying to achieve in LR7.
Action class in Liferay 6.2 :
Portal path : D:\Liferay6.2workspace\portal\portal-impl\src\com\liferay\portlet\rolesadmin\action\EditRoleAction.java
Ext Path: CutomRoles-ext/docroot/WEB-INF/ext-impl/src/com/liferay/portlet/rolesadmin/action/EditRoleAction.java
Action class in Liferay 7.0GA4 :