
My loop is only making 1 iteration. I am supposed to create three macro variables: var1 = Month1, var2 = Month2, and var3 = Month3 if qtr = qtr1. My loop is only creating var1 = Month1 and I = 1 when I checked it with a Put statement. It is only making one iteration, so I'm not sure what I am doing wrong.

%Let qtr = qtr1;

%Macro Firstqtr(qtr);

%Let I = 1;

%If &qtr = qtr1 %then %do %until (&I > 3);

%Let var&I = Month&I;

%let I = %eval(&I + 1);


%Mend Firstqtr;

Your posted program will never run the %DO loop because the condition in the %IF statement will be FALSE.Tom

3 Answers


Your %DO loop will never run given the input you made for the QTR parameter to your macro. You can turn on MLOGIC to see this.

1228  options mlogic;
1229  %Firstqtr(qtr);
MLOGIC(FIRSTQTR):  Beginning execution.
MLOGIC(FIRSTQTR):  Parameter QTR has value qtr
MLOGIC(FIRSTQTR):  %LET (variable name is I)
MLOGIC(FIRSTQTR):  %IF condition &qtr = qtr1 is FALSE
MLOGIC(FIRSTQTR):  Ending execution.

If you want to pass in qtr1 as the value either hard code it in the macro call.


Or you could make your call pass in the macro variable you defined earlier.

%let qtr=qtr1;

It might make this distinction between the parameter's value and the value of an external macro variable with the same name clearer if you call the macro using named parameters. Note: you can use parameter names in the macro call even for parameters that were defined as positional in the macro definition.

option mprint;
%global qtr;
%Let qtr = qtr1;

%Macro Firstqtr(qtr);

%Let I = 1;

%If &qtr = &qtr  %then %do %until (&I > 3);

%Let var&I = Month&I;

%let I = %eval(&I + 1);

%put &var1 &var2 &var3;

%Mend Firstqtr;


You have to declare qtr as Global variable then only the if condition will be pass.


The issue is one of macro variable scope. qtr is defined both globally (line1) and locally (as a macro parameter) so the local (empty) one is used instead.

Try passing it through in your parameter as follows:

%Let qtr = qtr1;

%Macro Firstqtr(qtr);
  %Let I = 1;
  %If &qtr = qtr1 %then %do %until (&I > 3);
    %global var&i;
    %Let var&I = Month&I;
    %put var&i=&&var&i;
    %let I = %eval(&I + 1);
%mend Firstqtr;


Be aware that the variables you are creating would have local scope - to make them global, you declare them as such (%global statement).