I have a following Cypher query that returns all Decision
that belong to a particular Tag
MATCH (d:Decision)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(t:Tag) WHERE t.id = {tagId} RETURN d
According to my business logic every Tag
can have a set of synonyms:
and every s:Tag
can also have a synonyms associated at the same way.. unlimited depth and where ts.approved = true
Could you please show how to extend the first query in order to return not only Decisions associated with a start tag (t.id = {tagId}
) but also the all Decisions associated with all tag's synonyms(unlimited depth).
Ideally all of these Decisions should be returned under one d
Right now I'm playing with the following query:
MATCH p=(t:Tag)-[:FOR|HAS*]-(end:Tag)
WHERE t.id = {tagId} AND NOT (end)<-[:FOR]-()
OPTIONAL MATCH (d:Decision)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(tag)
but it doesn't work.
I have created a Neo4j sandbox:
Please use the following query:
MATCH p=(t:Tag)-[:FOR|HAS*0..]-(end:Tag)
WHERE t.id = 1 AND NOT (end)<-[:FOR]-()
MATCH (d:Decision)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(end)
It returns only the last Decision in the path(Decision3) but should also return Decision1 and Decision 2.
This is the sample database username/password: neo4j/neo4j1
I have a 3 Tag
and 3 Decision
associated with this tag.
Tag 2
is a synonym of Tag 1
and Tag 3
is a synonym of Tag 2
I need to find all of the Decision
by Tag 1
and by its synonyms(Tag 2
and Tag 3
). This is decisions: Decision1
, Decision2
, Decision 3