As the accepted answer states, it is now supported in postgres but still buggy: Github issue, the fix will be released in the next RC probably. Meanwhile, I saw on the thread a nice solution which I even liked it more than the actual feature fully working:
fwiw I've been using string enum with check constraint. It's a lot
more flexible than actual postgres enum, which creates whole new data
types in postgres index and are really hard to manage (alter table,
export function CheckEnum(tableName: string, fieldName: string, enumValue: any) {
// Hash enum value and put it as part of constraint name so we can
// force typeorm to generate migration for enum changes.
const hash = crypto
return Check(
`cke_${tableName}_${fieldName}_${hash}`.slice(0, 63),
`${fieldName} in (${Object.values(enumValue).map(t => `'${t}'`)})`,
And use it like so
export enum Gender {
Male = 'male',
Female = 'female',
Other = 'other'
@CheckEnum('person', 'gender', Gender)
export class Person {