So I've been working on experimenting with DART (whereby my core languages are C++, and embedded C derivates). Hence my code is probably not pretty as I'm more of a procedural programmer, but I'm getting by and learning... I've been struggling around Futures pertaining to await sync, and basically, I simply can't get DART to WAIT. The following code establishes a socket connection to a small embedded device and extracts info. That all works, but notice the order of operations SHOULD be main() gets some info from the console, then should call the method cardStatus to run off and get the info from the embedded device via the socket connection. This is where the await should occur. When the Future is returned, it should go off to the printstuff() method. I've added print statements that should go in order and read:
- This should print 1st
- This should print 2nd
- This should print 3rd
Instead since the wait is not occurring on the cardstatus call (which is time consuming), I get:
- This should print 1st
- This should print 3rd
- This should print 2nd
I've followed another thread on the use of async, and seem to be at least following one solid way of using this Other thread (I tried a .then with a completer with a similar result, so there is something core I feel I'm missing).. but I've been stuck on this for a week.
Code below, along with the console output.
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:async' show Future;
const String STATUS = "#111111;";
String defaultIP = "";
int defaultConfigPort = 5111;
int defaultControlPort = 6722;
var card = new Map();
getInput(String defaults) {
String takenin = stdin.readLineSync();
if (takenin == '') takenin = defaults;
return takenin;
Future main() async {
stdout.write('What is the IP address of the card ($defaultIP): ');
String ipaddress = getInput(defaultIP);
defaultIP = ipaddress;
print ("This should print 1st");
stdout.writeln("Connecting to $defaultIP");
await cardStatus(defaultIP, defaultConfigPort, STATUS, card);
printstuff() {
print ("This should print 3rd");
Future cardStatus(String ip, int port, String message, Map card) {
return new Future.delayed(Duration.ZERO, () {
Socket.connect(ip, port).then((socket) {
print('Connected to: '
socket.listen((data) {
print(new String.fromCharCodes(data).trim());
List str1 = (new String.fromCharCodes(data).trim().split(','));
print ("This should print 2nd");
//var card = new Map();
card['ip'] = str1[0];
card['subnet'] = str1[1];
card['gateway'] = str1[2];
card['unknown'] = str1[3];
card['persist'] = str1[4] == 'true';
card['build'] = str1[5];
card['serial'] = str1[6].substring(0, 14);
card['cloudpassword'] = str1[6].substring(14, 20);
card['DNS'] = str1[7];
card['cloudhost'] = str1[8];
card['cloudenabled'] = str1[9] == 'true';
onDone: () {
//Send the request
and this is the current console output. notice the null shouldn't be a null if the cardStatus would have completed it would be printed str1.
What is the IP address of the card (
This should print 1st
Connecting to
This should print 3rd
Connected to:
[>,,, , 0, 435, F44900A60040F8000000,,, 0;]
This should print 2nd
Process finished with exit code 0
Thanks for all the help!