
I get the following error during the verifying deployment stage of deploying a meteor app

enter image description here

The full log is a long list of similar errors of fetch failed ending with

enter image description here

Can you please post more information? Such as, if you are using Meteor Up (which I presume you are), what your mup.js file looks like?Kyle Bachan
@Kyle Yes I am using meteor up. Is there anything specific from mup.js you want to know? It used to work fine and I have made no changes to the file sinceJoe
seems like your network is having problems connecting to registry.npmjs.org. maybe you should debug your network.williamli
@williamli do you mean the network I am deploying from or the network the server is on?Joe
I don't have access to all of your log and I am not 100% sure how MeteorUp handles it. In theory, mup will call meteor build and builds a nodejs app and transfer it over to a server. Somewhere during this build process, it will call npm install to pull in all the dependencies (not sure if it is done on your local computer, in a docker container, or in the server). but i am pretty sure the error you are seeing comes from this npm install process and it is failing because it cannot connect to registers.npmjs.orgwilliamli

1 Answers


I fixed it by restarting the docker service

thanks to this answer

restarting docker with this command fixes it for me but I don't know why

sudo service docker restart

I too, have no idea why that worked