I am creating an app that for now I would like to offer in English and German. I checked the Base localization mark in the project configuration and added German
. I left English as the development language.
Then I created a file Translation.plist
which basically consists of dictionaries that I call categories, e.g. I have one dictionary for button texts, label texts etc. Each of the category dictionaries again consists of dictionaries that contain two Strings: value and comment. Translation.plist is localized via XCode
. The folders Base.lproj
, en.lproj
and de.lproj
exist and contain a copy of the plist-file as expected.
Then I created a class Translator.swift
that is supposed to load the Translation.plist
file as an NSDictionary
depending on the user's preferred locale. The code looks like this:
func relevantDictionary(category: String) -> NSDictionary {
let preferredLocale = Bundle.main.preferredLocalizations.first ?? "Base"
NSLog("User's preferred locale is \(preferredLocale)")
guard let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "Translation", withExtension: "plist") else {
fatalError("Could not find Translation.plist")
NSLog("Using \(url.absoluteURL) for translation")
guard let root = NSDictionary(contentsOf: url) else {
fatalError("Could not find dictionary for category (locale=\(preferredLocale)")
guard let relevant = root.value(forKey: category) as? NSDictionary else {
fatalError("Could not create dictionary from Translation.plist")
return relevant
Then I created a String extension that uses the Translator as follows:
func localize(category: String) -> String {
return Translator.instance.translate(category: category, string: self)
With this I call the Translator by "yes".localize("button"). In English I would expect "Yes", in German I would expect "Ja". The log says the following:
2017-07-05 08:45:24.728 myApp[13598:35048360] User's preferred locale is de_DE
2017-07-05 08:45:24.728 myApp[13598:35048360] Using file:///Users/me/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/A39D3318-943D-4EFE-BB97-5C2218279132/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/4614E696-B52E-4C30-BBE8-3C76F6392413/myApp.app/Base.lproj/Translation.plist for translation
I wonder why this happens and what I have missed. I would have expected that de.lproj/Translation.plist
is loaded instead of Base.lproj/Translation.plist
Any help is highly appreciated.
files shouldn't you? – Sweeper