
I have 3 tables in my database, Categories,Subcategories and Articles. My Articles table contains columns caled CategoryID and SubcategoryID, which are foreign keys of the table Categories and Subcategories.

My question is, how can I get the name of the Category and Subcategory stored only as ID's in my Articles Table.

I think I need a kind of subquery or join.

Here is what I have:

SELECT ArticleTitle
  FROM Articles 
 WHERE SubcategoryID = 
        (SELECT SubcategoryName 
           FROM Subcategories 
          WHERE SubcategoryName = 'info'

When I execute this code in mysql, there are no erros, but I receive 0 results. All tables are containing some data.

personal advice: try to format your SQL-statements - have a look at SQL style guide - proper formated SQL statements make trouble shooting & all futher changes easier for you and your fellowsEsteban P.

2 Answers


change this:

where SubcategoryID = (select SubcategoryName from Subcategories 

to this

where SubcategoryID in (select SubcategoryID from Subcategories 

the changes were

  1. the equal sign is now the word in.
  2. the subquery is selecting SubcategoryID instead of SubCategoryName

Using Joins :

SELECT a.ArticleTitle AS ArticleTitle, c.CategoryName AS CategoryName,s.SubcategoryName AS SubcategoryName


Articles a JOIN Categories c on a.CategoryID=c.ID JOIN Subcategories s on a.SubcategoryID=s.ID

WHERE s.SubcategoryName = 'info';