
I've set up a Maven project that uses Selenium (as a dependency) and would like to add Robot. The thing is, according to http://robotframework.org/MavenPlugin/:

Third party libraries (e.g. Selenium Library) can be added to ${project.basedir}/src/test/resources/robotframework/libraries. Java dependencies can be expressed as dependencies to the Robotframework maven plugin configuration in pom.xml.

However, Maven stores the Selenium dependencies in its own repository.

Is there a way to tell Robot "this is where you'll find the libraries you'll need"? As it won't find them within the project structure.


1 Answers


Is there a way to tell Robot "this is where you'll find the libraries you'll need"? As it won't find them within the project structure.

This is documented in the user guide, in a section titled Configuring where to search libraries and other extensions

In short, you can set the environment variable PYTHONPATH, or you can use the command line option --pythonpath.