
I'm trying to setup jenkins version 1.651.3 with manual installation of credentials plugin.

But failed to install the plugin. Here is what I tried;

  1. Download jenkins from http://pkg.jenkins-ci.org/debian-stable/binary/jenkins_1.651.3_all.deb.
  2. Install jenkins_1.651.3_all.deb on Ubuntu 16.04.
  3. I can see the default credentials plugin version is 1.18.
  4. Delete old files; rm -rf /var/lib/jenkins/plugins/credentials*.
  5. Download latest credentials plugin from https://updates.jenkins-ci.org/download/plugins/credentials/2.1.13/credentials.hpi.
  6. Restart jenkins; service jenkins restart.
  7. Still the credentials version is 1.18 not 2.1.13.

How can I install the latest credentials plugin manually? I mean without accessing web UI (Manage Jenkins -> Manage plugins)?

I also installed latest structs plugin. But it does not helped. :<Dorr

2 Answers


Jenkins creates a directory named after the plugin for every .hpi file you have in your $JENKINS_HOME/plugins/.

Try to find that directory (name should be 'credentials') and delete it.


I found the doc describing this behavior; plugin pinning. https://wiki.jenkins.io/plugins/servlet/mobile?contentId=46334825#content/view/46334825

After creating xxx.jpi.pinned it worked.