I'm trying to install the Cloud MySQL Proxy on a Dataproc cluster with the initialization-action given as an example here. I removed all the hive-metadata part because I don't need it. The proxy is installed but I can't connect to my instance. The created cloud-sql-proxy.service file looks fine:
> cat /usr/lib/systemd/system/cloud-sql-proxy.service
Description=Google Cloud SQL Proxy
After=local-fs.target network-online.target
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/cloud_sql_proxy -dir=/var/run/cloud_sql_proxy -instances_metadata=attributes/additional-cloud-sql-instances
Also, if I try to get the value of attributes/additional-cloud-sql-instances
it looks fine:
> /usr/share/google/get_metadata_value attributes/additional-cloud-sql-instances
> myproject-12345:europe-west1:my-db-instance=tcp:3333
Yet I can't connect to the instance. When I stop the service and start it again I see an error message:
> /usr/local/bin/cloud_sql_proxy -dir=/var/run/cloud_sql_proxy -instances_metadata=attributes/additional-cloud-sql-instances
2017/07/03 09:23:44 Ready for new connections
2017/07/03 09:23:44 Error on receiving new instances from metadata: metadata: GCE metadata "attributes/additional-cloud-sql-instances" not defined
Am I doing something wrong?
In the meantime I can get this to work by using -instances=myproject-12345:europe-west1:my-db-instance=tcp:3333
instead of using the metadata key, but I wonder why it doesn't work as provided in the example.