TL:DR; How does one import the chef-manage ssl certificate into chromium/firefox? Is /var/opt/opscode/nginx/ca/[fqdn].crt the appropriate file?
I'm generating a chef-server machine using vagrant, vagrant-berkshelf, and the chef-server supermarket cookbook. Once complete, I'm running chef-server-ctl install chef-manage chef-server-ctl reconfigure chef-manage-ctl reconfigure order to install and setup the chef-manage addon. With the addon installed, I attempt to import the generated certificate at /var/opt/opscode/nginx/ca/[fqdn].crt into the browser (chromium/firefox) through the browser's certificate management interface, but I receive the following error(s):
Certificate Import Error Invalid or corrupt file.
This personal certificate can’t be installed because you do not own the corresponding private key which was created when the certificate was requested.
The file looks like a ssh public key but with "BEGIN / END CERTIFICATE" instead of "BEGIN / END RSA PUBLIC KEY". The format and content of the cert seems correct.
Any tips, hints, or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
- K.E.