net application, in that i have many required field text boxes in Tabcontrol in both tab panels.
when i have clicked submit button, it only focus current tab text box controls, but when i filled all the current tab panel controls then press submit button, i want to focus the next tab panel text box which is empty,
but it can't focus on another tab panel textbox.
i don't know how to focus this, please any body let me know.
<td><asp:Label ID="lblCustomerMobileNo" runat="server" Text="Customer Mobile No" CssClass="label"></asp:Label></td>
<td><asp:TextBox ID="txtCustomerMobileNo" runat="server" CssClass="smalltextbox" PlaceHolder="Customer Mobile No" Width="100px" MaxLength="10" OnKeypress="javascript:return onlyNumbers(event,this.value);"
required="required" /> </td>
when i am in TAB 4, i press save button it focus required text box.
but i filled customer mobile no, and then press save button TAB 0 also having some required field text boxes but its not focus..