I am new in this world of Vue and Vuex, but I want to know if you can help me with this problem that I have right know, and actually don't really know why. Note: I am using an api developed in laravel.
The scenario is this:
I have a common component that I have created which displays a list (data table) of users.
import { mapActions } from 'vuex'
import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'
export default {
data () {
return {
items: [],
user: {}
methods: {
getUsers: 'users/getUsers'
mounted () {
***this.user = {
user: 'auth/user'
this.user = {
user: 'auth/user'
var routeName = this.$route.name // users or admins
this.getUsers(route, user)
this.items = this.$store.state.users
Right now my application will have three roles: regular users, administrator and super administrators.
A super administrator will have two modules for display users:
- List of all regular users.
- List of all administrators.
This two modules would be in different routes, which is why I reused the common component that displays a list of users.
So, I have in Vuex right now two modules, the first one is auth module that in its state file will contain the information of the user that is logged in: name, email, role. And the second module is users module that in its state will contain the list of users passed via api depending on the route I am entering and the user's role that this one has.
The users module has three actions, the first one is getRegularUsers(), getAdmins() and getUsers(routeName, role). The last action is invoked in users component that received the route (url the user is currently in) and the user's role.
The definition of getUsers() is:
export const getUsers = (routeName, role) => {
if (routeName == 'admins') {
if (role === 'SuperAdmin')
As you can see, this action is considering the route and the role of the current user that is logged in and depending on the route or role, this action invoked the other actions that I created. This two other actions fetch via commit (mutation) the users state, that is an array of user objects:
export default {
users = []
The problem:
Looking at the chrome console, this is the error: The undefined or null error, means that this.user.role is udenfined
And If I look at vuex-devtools you will see that user has the role assigned, even in getters and state: User role - getter and state
The question:
I have done anything in actions, such as this.$store.getters.user.role and nothing happens.
So, hope you can help me with this. I think I have explained carefully the situation I am having.
Thanks for your support.