I have a 1-D array in numpy v
. I'd like to copy it to make a matrix with each row being a copy of v
. That's easy: np.broadcast_to(v, desired_shape)
However, if I'd like to treat v
as a column vector, and copy it to make a matrix with each column being a copy of v
, I can't find a simple way to do it. Through trial and error, I'm able to do this:
np.broadcast_to(v.reshape(v.shape[0], 1), desired_shape)
While that works, I can't claim to understand it (even though I wrote it!).
Part of the problem is that numpy doesn't seem to have a concept of a column vector (hence the reshape
hack instead of what in math would just be .T
But, a deeper part of the problem seems to be that broadcasting only works vertically, not horizontally. Or perhaps a more correct way to say it would be: broadcasting only works on the higher dimensions, not the lower dimensions. I'm not even sure if that's correct.
In short, while I understand the concept of broadcasting in general, when I try to use it for particular applications, like copying the col vector to make a matrix, I get lost.
Can you help me understand or improve the readability of this code?