Is it possible to run the command georoute for multiple values at the same time? I'm running the following line:
georoutei, hereid(BfSfwSlKMCPHj5WbVJ1g) herecode(bFw1UDZM3Zgc4QM8lyknVg) startxy(46.1761413,6.1393099) endxy(46.99382,6.94049) km
However, I have more than 1000 values (coordinates) as a start and end point. I'd like to tell Stata something like replace startxy and endxy for each value of the variables. So, I'm trying to do this across a loop but it doesn't work. Can someone help me?
I'm trying to do this:
clear all
set obs 1000
set seed 1254
ssc install georoutei
gen x1 = 45 + int(40+1)*uniform()
gen xf = 46+ int(46+1)*runiform()
gen y1 = 6 + int(6+1)*runiform()
gen yf = 7 + int(7+1)*runiform()
georoutei, hereid(tKNXdBlaC1UoKDWAiJ4i) herecode(4SQsFZphiBfXL4xWa7SPgg)
startxy(3.4372222,-76.33376) endxy(3.7231,-76.525902) km
forvalue i=1(1)1000{
levelsof x1, local(startx)
levelsof xf, local(endf)
levelsof y1, local(starty)
levelsof yf, local(endy)
georoutei, hereid(tKNXdBlaC1UoKDWAiJ4i) herecode(4SQsFZphiBfXL4xWa7SPgg)
startxy(`startx',`starty') endxy(`endx',`endy')km
Then I need to record the travel distance in a matrix or something like this to have a new variable with this information. I'm looking to save a little time instead of having to run a bunch of lines for each pair of coordinates.
Thank you!