I have been trying to fetch the stock quotes from Yahoo finance, but I have not been able to get that.
I have tried YQL Console, and it is working fine in that https://developer.yahoo.com/yql/console/#h=select+*+from+pm.finance+where+symbol%3D%22SBIN.BO%22.
Here they are using pm.finance table to fetch the stock quote.
URL for accessing the REST URL it in browser here
If you will try to open the rest URL in the browser it gives you error:
{"error":{"lang":"en-US","description":"Authentication Error. The table pm.finance requires a higher security level than is provided, you provided ANY but at least APP is expected"}}
So for this I created a Yahoo App for this, so that I will be able to access using CURL request Created App on - https://developer.yahoo.com/apps/
But now I am not able to get how to use this app to make a CURL request and get the quotes.
I have also tried http://download.finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=sbin.bo&f=sl1d1t1c1ohgv
But here I am not getting information about the quotes.
Please help me, how to get the stock quotes. I also know about Google finance API and have implemented that but client is specific about using Yahoo API.
Thanks in advance
select * from pm.finance where symbol="YHOO"
returns the same result: Authentication Error. The table pm.finance requires a higher security level than is provided, you provided ANY but at least APP is expected. You'l need an Yahoo! account though. Maybe this answer could help you more than my comment. – Mauricio Arias Olavehttps://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select%20*%20from%20yahoo.finance.quotes%20where%20symbol%20in%20(%22AAPL%22)&format=json&env=store%3A%2F%2Fdatatables.org%2Falltableswithkeys&callback=
Do you able to solve the issue? – user7983871