I have created a theme using Blade CLI as stated here https://dev.liferay.com/ja/develop/reference/-/knowledge_base/7-0/theme-template. The project is thus using Gradle and when built it generates a war file which I can copy in the deploy folder in liferay.
Is there a way in liferay 7 that when I change a static resource like a css file, the change is seen almost immediately when developing?
A solution I found was to create everytime a new theme war file and deploy it in liferay but set liferay to be in development mode as stated here https://dev.liferay.com/ja/develop/tutorials/-/knowledge_base/7-0/using-developer-mode-with-themes. This would take too much time to be an acceptable solution.
I was thinking of creating a gradle task that copies any static file that has changed to a particular folder in liferay. Then when the page is refresh the change is caught. The problem is that liferay 7 comes with OSGi and there's nothing under tomcat/webapps except ROOT. I don't really understand how the template files are now served using OSGi.
If I can't achieve this using a liferay theme, is there a solution for liferay 7 mvc portlets? I might have js or css files there also.
Can someone point me in the right direction or at least tell me if what I'd like can be done. Thanks