I am writing code to have enemies detect collision with the player. In my Enemy class I have the following: import flash.display.MovieClip; import flash.events.Event;
public class Enemy extends MovieClip {
var Player: MovieClip;
public function Enemy() {
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, EnemyUpdate);
function setPlayer(_Player: MovieClip) {
Player = _Player;
function EnemyUpdate(_event: Event) {
var enemyHit: Boolean = this.hitTestObject(Player.Character.Legs);
if (enemyHit) {
In my Main Class, I attempt to send the Player MovieClip to the Enemy Class script using the following:
public function Main() {
The MovieClip enemy has the Enemy script attached to it. When I run the program, the Player variable is null. How do I get the Player to recognize the Player MovieClip?