
If this sub is called via the worksheet "sheetCTF" then it works. If it is called via the worksheet "sheetEXTRACTED" then I get

"Run time error 1004 - Method 'Range' of object '_Worksheet' failed"


Public Const ctfHeadingRow As Long = 1
Public Const ctfLastRow As Long = 200

Sub SUB_copyCtfColsToExtracted(sourceCol As Long, destCol As Long)

sheetCTF.Range(Cells(ctfHeadingRow, sourceCol), Cells(ctfLastRow,sourceCol)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Copy _
Destination:=sheetEXTRACTED.Range(Cells(extractedFirstRow, destCol).Address)

End Sub

(Sheet are set in different module).

Where do you set extractedFirstRow? Is that a public / global variable which is available to the routine? Are the sheetEXTRACTED and sheetCTF the actual sheetnames in VBE or are they the tab names? In that case you'd need Worksheets("sheetEXTRACTED")Rik Sportel
Sorry, yes extractedFirstRow is a global variable in a different module. And yes they are both the actual sheet names set in a different module.Slab

1 Answers


I suggest:

Sub SUB_copyCtfColsToExtracted(sourceCol As Long, destCol As Long)

sheetCTF.Range(sheetCTF.Cells(ctfHeadingRow, sourceCol), sheetCTF.Cells(ctfLastRow,sourceCol)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Copy _
Destination:=sheetEXTRACTED.Range(sheetEXTRACTED.Cells(extractedFirstRow, destCol).Address)

End Sub

This should resolve the problem. The error apears if the reference to a object like "range()" or "Cells" is not clearly defined.