I'm getting the following error in my Liquid view:
Liquid error: No such template 'sliders/slider' #<Liquid::LocalFileSystem:0x99319b8>
The file structure in my liquid code (which saves in the database) has the following code:
{% include 'sliders/slider' %}
and in my view where I render the Liquid content is as follows
Liquid::Template.file_system = Liquid::LocalFileSystem.new("sliders/slider")
@template = Liquid::Template.parse(<page code>) %>
<%= raw @template.render(<variables>) %>
<%= Liquid::LocalFileSystem.new("sliders/slider") %>
And in app/views/sliders/ I have a file called '_slider.erb
But if I do a <%= render :partial => "sliders/slider" %>
it shows the file
Am I missing something here? I'm using Rails 3 with Liquid 2.2.2 and on Linux.