I'm working with Akka-HTTP for the first time and am having some issues constructing a route to handle GET requests with multiple parameters. Here's a simplified version of my route-- it takes in 2 query parameters and then just wraps them in a case class and returns them in JSON format (using Circe):
def echo(latitude: Double, longitude: Double) = Future.successful { Coordinates(latitude, longitude) }
val route = get {
pathPrefix("foo") {
path("echo") {
parameters('latitude.as[Double], 'longitude.as[Double]) {
(latitude, longitude) =>
complete(echo(latitude, longitude))
Although this works as expected, I'm getting the following warning during compilation:
"No automatic adaptation here: use explicit parentheses. [warn]
signature: ParameterDirectives.parameters(pdm: akka.http.scaladsl.server.directives.ParameterDirectives.ParamMagnet): pdm.Out [warn] given arguments: scala.Symbol("latitude").as[Double], scala.Symbol("longitude").as[Double] [warn] after adaptation: ParameterDirectives.parameters((scala.Symbol("latitude").as[Double], scala.Symbol("longitude").as[Double]): akka.http.scaladsl.server.directives.ParameterDirectives.ParamMagnet{type Out = akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directive[(Double, Double)]}) [warn]
parameters('latitude.as[Double], 'longitude.as[Double]) { (latitude, longitude) =>"
Following a different example, I tried the following route, but although it compiles without any warnings, it always returns a 404:
val route = get {
pathPrefix("foo") {
path("echo" / DoubleNumber / DoubleNumber) {
(latitude, longitude) =>
complete(echo(latitude, longitude))
If anyone knows how I can fix the warning with the first route or get the second route to work, I would really appreciate the help. Also, the real service I'm working on will have 4 GET methods-- different paths and return types, but they will all have the same 4 parameters. Is there a way to structure this to minimize boilerplate when writing the routes? Again, I'm very new to Akka-HTTP, so any suggestions or advice would be very much appreciated!
Thanks, Tim