As stated in the documentation:
You can also provide dynamic context information by providing a context broker URL and selecting the fiware-ngsi format. Once selected the fiware-ngsi format, three extra fields will appear allowing you to configure the tenant and the service path to use for accesing the context broker (you can leave them empty if the data is stored in the default tenant or service path). The last field allows you to indicate whether the context broker requires authentication (see the Handling authorization and access control to APIs tutorial for more details).
NOTE: fiware-ngsi resources are always linked resources, so if the dataset is private, the fiware-ngsi must require an auth token for coherence.
Please also see this guide.
You may take advantage of the connectors supported by the Context Broker that automatically generate historic records generated each time there is a change in the context information and make those records available for upload on the Open Data publication GE. The data is then stored in a Datastore, and can be downloaded and queried through REST APIs.
In order to achieve this behaviour it is necessary to deploy and configure Cygnus, a piece of software complementary to the Context Broker GE. The instructions to install Cygnus can be found here.
Once Cygnus has been installed, it is required to configure it. In a nutshell, there are three steps: configure CKAN storage, create the desired subscriptions in the Context Broker and run the process.
This sink persists the data in a datastore in CKAN. Datastores are associated to CKAN resources and as CKAN resources we use the entityId-entityType string concatenation. All CKAN resource IDs belong to the same dataset (also referred as package in CKAN terms), which name is specified with the default_dataset property (prefixed by organization name) in the CKAN sink configuration.
You will have to configure Fiware Cygnus too.
I hope this can help you.